Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
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From Claire de Lune to Jonathan Merritt to Rome’s Dogmas About Mary
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Twitter-Driven DL from Dolores, Colorado
James White, , Ken Wilson, Misc, Mormonism, Open Phones, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Provisionism, Reformed Apologetics, Reformed Baptist Issues, Road Trip, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing Line, Thomism, UncategorizedI am thankful that Twitter was not taken down by today’s huge IT crash/failure, since we took our questions from our audience, and they were great questions! We will definitely have to do it this way in the future when I am traveling (much less technically challenging than trying to take calls when I am remote). Covered a wide variety
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