Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
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Today on the DL
James White, , The Dividing LineAfter a very quick recap of my time in Chicago I moved directly into a brand new Radio Free Geneva, this time focusing upon the Dave Hunt/Adrian Rogers inspired sermon offered up by Dr. Graham of Prestonwood Baptist Church down in Texas. Here’s the program.
Video of the Mega Dividing Line in Response to Navas and Barron
James White, , The Dividing LineI forgot to blog these videos that I posted of the very lengthy DL engaging the claims of Patrick Navas and David Barron. Enjoy!
Debate: Is The Roman Catholic Priesthood Biblical & Ancient? Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Long Island, New York, 5/22/2003
James White, , Debate, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing LineJames White and Fr. Mitchell Pacwa debate the validity of the Roman Priesthood.
Bruce Jenner Is Still Here, Then Leighton Flowers and Colossians 2:12
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Ahmed Deedat on the Deity of Christ
James White, , Islam, The Dividing LineIn light of one of my upcoming debates in South Africa next week I took the time to review one of the audience questions from the talk upon which our debate will be based, “Is Jesus God?” Of course, in the course of an hour, we covered a lot more than that. Hopefully helpful information for sharing with our Muslim
Psalm 101:3 and Worthless Things
James White, , Christian Worldview, General Apologetics, Godly Disciplines, Pastoral Theology, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersSort of wandered all over the landscape today, starting off with comments from Psalm 101:3 and branching off into the topic of Christian worldview, unity, etc. I had been on the Calvinist Batman podcast the hour before and had been asked about unity amongst Christians despite differences, etc. I was going to continue on to other topics but, alas…. We
Dr. Laurence Brown 0-15 on the Deen Show
James White, , The Dividing LineWe finished reviewing, and refuting, Dr. Brown’s “Top Ten” list against the Trinity, and his “Top Five” list against the Sonship of Jesus. Sadly, this kind of inaccurate, truth-deprived attack upon the Christian faith is the standard fare in Islamic countries, so it is important to know how to expose these falsehoods. But more to the point, this is the
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