Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
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Joseph Pipa, A Defense of the Deity of Christ
James White, , The Dividing LineStarted off the program with an interview with Dr. Joseph Pipa of Greenville Presbyterian Seminary, and followed this with the beginning of an examination of the anti-Trinitarian claims of Anthony Buzzard.
On A Reformation Day Special
James White, , The Dividing LineGiven that tomorrow is Reformation Day, we addressed a truly relevant topic. I was joined by the famous TurretinFan and we discussed the claims of Peter Williams on a recent Unbelievable Radio Broadcast, primarily focusing on his arguments for the Papacy and against sola scriptura. For those with a special interest in those areas, this will be a valuable program.
Every Reference to Jesus in the Qur’an on Today’s DL
James White, , The Dividing LineI decided to read over every text in the Qur’an that mentions the name of Jesus on the Dividing Line today. I thought that would only take a portion of the program, but I ended up barely sneaking it into the normal time frame! Many folks in our chat channel found the program tremendously educational. I hope you do, too!
Debate: The Freedom of God in Salvation, Steve Gregg, 4/3/2008
James White, , Debate, The Dividing LineHere is the first hour of the five hour debate. If you wish to listen live, tune in tomorrow, 2pm PDT (5pm EDT) for the second portion!
Calvinist Call
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Stone Choir Cult Attacks Plus More
James White, , Church History, Eastern Orthodoxy, Ken Wilson, Misc, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Provisionism, Racialism, Textual Issues, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersWent a full 90 minutes today starting with Corey Mahler and the Stone Choir Cult’s attack on my last evening, followed up by Mahler’s amazing promotion of Marcion’s gnosticism. I used his false statements about the name Yahweh to go into church history and trace the damage that was done by the loss of the knowledge of Hebrew and how
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