Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
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Jamal Badawi on Muhammad in the Bible, and More
James White, , The Dividing LineHad a good time on the program today reviewing comments made a number of years ago by Islamic lecturer and apologist Jamal Badawi regarding the alleged passages in the Bible that prophetically speak about Muhammad. I had been looking for his comments on Isaiah 9:6-7 for quite some time, and finally found them. Then we did a fun contest based
Confession and More
James White, , The Dividing LineAbove is the first half hour of the program. Following this discussion I moved back into a review of, and response to, both Diaa Mohamed and Bart Ehrman. A total of 90 minutes.
Michael Dries then Calls on Islam and John 1:1
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Debate: Justification by Faith? Robert Sungenis, Long Island, New York, 5/25/2000
James White, , Debate, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing LineIs the Roman Catholic Church correct when she says that we can merit justification? Was the Council of Trent right after all? Can we lose our justification? Or is the Protestant Reformation correct in saying that a man is justified by faith alone, apart from works? Is Christ’s imputed righteousness enough to allow us to stand before a Holy God,
John 3:16 Again, Racialism, CBGM, Peterson/Shapiro Dialogue
James White, , CBGM, Christian Worldview, Exegesis, Racialism, Reformed Apologetics, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersCovered a TON of important material today. Started off responding to an Arminian attempt to spin the discussion of John 3:16 and the phrase πᾶς ὁ πιστεύων (every one believing). Then we moved on to some developments on the racialism front. From there we switched gears and addressed the claim that CGBM will cause all of the past three hundred years
The Painfully Obvious Veneration of Saints Debate Part 2
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Possible Papacy Discussion on the DL Tomorrow
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Radio Free Geneva (And Continued Review of Yusuf Ismail’s Comments)
James White, , The Dividing LineStarted off with Radio Free Geneva today, pressing forward with our review of Jerry Walls’ presentation against Calvinism. We got into the heart of his argument today. Not sure if I will do another on Thursday yet or not. Depends on what I run into during my study time in the darkness before sunrise in the morning! In any case,
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