Spent a little time on the Pope, most of the time on the #ShoutYourAbortion debauchery, and then a call from Chris Arnzen…all on today’s Dividing Line!
Here is the YouTube link:
Spent a little time on the Pope, most of the time on the #ShoutYourAbortion debauchery, and then a call from Chris Arnzen…all on today’s Dividing Line!
Here is the YouTube link:
Got into the debate that took place a few weeks ago “down under” between Abdullah Kunde and Jason Cebalo, a Roman Catholic. Here is the debate: I am dealing almost exclusively with Abdullah’s comments, though during the Q&A we will be looking at some of Jason’s comments as well. Today was a bit involved, looking a lot at some of
Managed to keep things relatively short today after yesterday’s two and a half hour marathon, going only an hour and twenty minutes today. Looked at various “woke explosions,” including the published commentary from Dr. Willie James Jennings of Yale on the book of Acts. Then we got back into Trent Horn’s presentation on church fathers from 2019, going into some
Had some technical difficulties at the start (our apologies), but finally got into the groove and finished off my review of the STR program with Frank Beckwith, once again focusing upon the substantive issues Greg Koukl tried to bring up, and the claims Beckwith made that amount to attacks upon sola scriptura, sola fide, etc. But we need to keep
I had a real “Stack-O-Stuff” to get through today, so I felt like I was moving at warp speed as I covered the past weekend in Southern California, and a failed Arminian attempt to refute my criticism of Middle Knowledge from last week’s DL. Then we dealt with Patrick Madrid’s significantly less than “in depth” comments on 2 Timothy 3
Did a quick report on my trip “down under,” then opened the phones and covered a pretty wide variety of topics from callers for the rest of the hour. And no, I don’t remember all of them. You will have to listen to find out! Here is the YouTube link:
James White (D.Min., Th.D.) debates John Sanders (Ph.D.) in the chapel of the Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida on the topic of Open Theism.
Played clips from Tim Staples and…Dave Hunt today. Yes, an odd combination, but it was what I had collected over the past few days. Also took a call on Frank Beckwith’s appearance on EWTN.
Started the program 30 minutes early today for a total of 90 minutes. Listened to clips by Tim Staples and Patrick Madrid, covering all sorts of subjects such as the Marian dogmas and sola scriptura.
Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Alpha and Omega Ministries
P.O. Box 37106
Phoenix, AZ 85069
Office Hours
8am to 5pm MST
877-753-3341 (US Callers Only)
James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. He is the author of more than twenty books, a professor and an accomplished debater.
©2025 Alpha and Omega Ministries. All Rights Reserved.