Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
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Mary as Mediatrix in Roman Piety, Comments on Scott Swain’s Experimental Idea from James 1:5
James White, , Reformed Baptist Issues, Roman Catholicism, Textual Issues, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, ThomismWe have no way of knowing what we will be doing for the next few days program wise, but we snuck one in today, looking closely at the infamous Marian prayer going around the net (one I was addressing in the early 1990s). Then we looked at Scott Swain’s comments on divine simplicity and James 1:5.
Seven Things the Reformation Gave Us
Rich Pierce, , The Dividing LinePastor John Samson Kings Church of Peoria, Arizona guests hosts once again and shows how western civilization has been positively impacted by the Protestant Reformation. We owe a great debt of gratitude to the men and women of the Reformation whose sacrifices have been instrumental in giving us many of the civil and religious liberties we presently enjoy. Here is
Catching Up on Topics
James White, , The Dividing LineAfter two RFGs and a program dedicated mainly to the rapidly advancing cultural and moral revolution, discussed the slaughter of 147 Christian students in Kenya based upon their being challenged to say the Shahada (and how this should call for the most vociferous condemnation by believing Muslims worldwide); then we went over a recent Bart Ehrman blog article attempting to
The MrX Debacle
James White, , The Dividing LineJames White, David King, William Webster, Rich Pierce respond to the recent libelous allegations made by Robert Sungenis and Jacob Michael of Catholic Apologetics International in the interview of “MrX” that they published on their website.
Bassam Zawadi and Calls
James White, , The Dividing LineStarted off with a discussion of some comments from Bassam Zawadi (first half hour), then took calls on a wide variety of topics, including witnessing to Muslims, Qur’anic variations, and whether a parable in Matthew is relevant to particular redemption. Just a reminder: I do not know when we will be able to schedule any DL’s during my trip to
Islamic Apologetics and Islamic Apologists
James White, , Islam, Textual Issues, The Dividing LineMainly focused on a debate from Melbourne on the Qur’an today, but included a response to Yusuf Ismail’s use of Matthew 10 in the (always) vain attempt to establish the idea that Jesus was ONLY sent to the Jews and that His message was not for all men everywhere. No more DL’s this week…I’ll be at ReformCon tomorrow and Friday.
ATM Preacher, the Christian Shema, and Open Phones
James White, , Christian Worldview, Exegesis, General Apologetics, Pauline Studies, Reformed Apologetics, Textual Issues, The Dividing LineStarted off looking at a “converted” ATM that is now being used to “preach” in a church in Germany, leading to some discussion of egalitarianism and related concepts. Then we commented a bit on the Christian/Muslim debate from last evening, leading to a discussion of 1 Corinthians 8:5-6 and Paul’s “Christian Shema.” Then we took calls on a variety of
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