I’ve never done this before, but these two graphics say almost all that needs to be said. Nearly two hours of interaction with the claims and statements of Steve Camp and Janet Mefferd from Monday’s JM show.
Here is the YouTube link:
Christian militancy. Reviving the Inquisition. Wiping out heretics. Sound like medievalism? It is, but sadly, when you regularly encounter the medieval behavior of ISIS and Boko Haram and the like, it is easy to forget Christian teaching and adopt a bit of medievalism in response. Evidently, that’s what Theodore Shoebat has done. The son of Walid Shoebat, Theodore has been
https://youtu.be/updtj99Fp80 https://youtu.be/r2tPHLOej1w
Talked a bit about the insane responses to a common sense SCOTUS decision, then went to the phones, covering Ignatius and the Eucharist (here’s the video I mentioned), what to do when asked to leave a church over Calvinism, supralapsarianism and the divine decree, intinction, Jeremiah 31:33/Romans 2:15, and finally “intellectual dispensationalism.”
Yesterday on the DL I played a portion of Bart Ehrman’s comments in a “debate” that took place at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary on April 1, 2010. He was debating NT scholar Craig Evans. From the introductions, folks came from all over to hear this encounter, even from the UK. As I rode along one of my familiar routes in
The kind folks at Rockdale Community Church have posted the audio of my Sunday morning message from 1 Corinthians 1, a favorite text of mine when speaking while traveling. Timeless passage reminding us that God is God, and we are liable to a great deal of creaturely arrogance.
Started off with a brief discussion of some comments from C. Gordon Olson, and then went to the Licona/Ally debate on the death and resurrection of Christ from 2004. Discussed apologetic methodology differences at the start, and then went into Shabir’s opening presentation.
Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Alpha and Omega Ministries
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James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. He is the author of more than twenty books, a professor and an accomplished debater.
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