I truly enjoyed having Major Storms, USMC, drop by and visit with us on the DL yesterday (here’s the picture I had on my refrigerator during combat operations of he and Major Rich Leino (Major Storms is on the right). He still has the cool sunglasses (no, they are not Oakleys, but I did not point that out, since that would not be nice of me). It was very enjoyable to get to meet a fellow brother in Christ that I’ve prayed for, and who has served the US with distinction. Now I hope to get to meet Major Leino in the not too distant future, too!
Here’s another picture of Major Storms outside his HQ tent in Iraq. And for those of you who listened to the program, the Major mentioned the Camel Spider. I knew I had a shot of one around (Major Leino was quite the digital photographer over there, and I have a number of interesting pictures). As I said on the program, this is NOT something I would want to see anywhere near me unless I was armed with a can of RAID, or, better, had permission to unleash a few rounds at the thing! Man, that is definite proof of the curse, isn’t it? Anyway, since the Lord was gracious to Jay and Rich, please remember “my” current military friend in Iraq, Steve Decker. I haven’t heard from him yet, but I hope to soon. Pray the Lord will protect him, strengthen his faith, and give him a steady hand.