The Twitter mob (made up of a diverse group of folks to be sure!) is busy making up new accusations, editing screenshots, and in general doing their best to twist, distort, and downright lie through their keyboards, but the truth is too clear. So after once again demonstrating their lies, we got into more edifying topics such as Genesis 50 and the sovereignty of Yahweh in bringing His people into Egypt in the case of Joseph. We then listened to Leighton Flowers on the text, and then listened to an “argument” from Eric Kemp as well. Just over 90 minutes today, including the discussion of Joseph’s Coogi of many colors!
The Dividing Line 4/30/2020
— Alpha and Omega Ministries (@AominOrg) February 11, 2024
The Twitter Mob Doubles Down on Dishonesty, Genesis 50 and Compatibilism