Deadcast, i.e., once again, though we had perfect connectivity all weekend, 50 minutes before the program, BOOM, network outages. Rich has spent the past four hours since the program working on stuff, and, for the moment, we are back up and seemingly operational. For now. In any case, started off with the announcement of the 2012 Apologetics Cruise out of Galveston, TX, headed for the Caribbean. Mike O’Fallon, my dear brother who founded Sovereign Christian Cruises as a result of running our first few cruises way back when, joined me to talk about the event, which you can read about by clicking on the banner ad that Hacim, Son of Ramalah, King of Graphics, produced for us in record time. My topics are already listed, and we are looking into expanding the cruise with a possible debate. That is all up to the Lord. In any case, there is a special, and really low, price available only this week, so please take the time to look at the information and see if you might wish to join us! After talking to Mike I spent the rest of the program interacting with the William Lane Craig/Sam Harris debate. I was shocked at Harris’ approach and presentation, and did not even finish his 12 minute rebuttal (I will conclude the examination on Thursday’s program). Hopefully our phones and internet will be working then, and if so, I would like to hear your thoughts as well!

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