Started off playing clips from the April, 2005 appearance of a faux-jihadi before the US Marines, aka, Ergun Caner, as seen in the videos posted below. No amount of deceit on Caner’s part is going to cleanse the net of his lies, and since we had never reviewed that particular presentation, it was very easy to find “misstatement” after misstatement, which, in any logical world, translates to “lie after lie.” Then we moved back to the Calvinist Call In show with Michael Brown. I really thought it would take only a few minutes to play Brian’s call but, instead, it not only took up the last half of the program, I did not even finish the entire call! Will finish it up next time, probably Thursday.

And don’t forget the WayBack Machine, streaming Dividing Lines from 1998 onward 24/7! You can listen on the Flash Player found here.

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