Covered a fair amount of ground on the DL yesterday, including a lot of “in the news” items at the start (including the making of spanking of a two year old a felony in Texas—believe it or not), and then got back into responding, finally, to some of Abdullah Kunde’s remarks from a recent debate with Samuel Green in Australia.

Now, should only two hours a week of the Dividing Line not be enough for you, Rich has hatched this odd idea to go…24/7 with the Dividing Line. No, I have not moved into the office, but hey, I have been doing the DL for many years now. Evidently, he will have the “Wayback Machine” running all night tonight, for example. So, if you would like to listen to Dividing Lines from as far back as 1998, you can click on the regular DL link and listen in. Eventually his goal is to have it running 24/7, but I am not sure when that will go live constantly.

By the way, one of the earliest half hour DL’s we did back when we were live on a local radio station (ok, when we went back on the air on KXEG; we had been doing DL’s way back in the mid to late 80s, actually) included an “interview” I did with my son and daughter, Josh and Summer. Josh was about 12 and Summer 9 when I did it. I had not heard it since it was aired, and thought that at least a few folks in our readership/audience would find it interesting. You can listen to it here. In light of my harping on the need to communicate a Christian worldview to our children, it is, I hope, still helpful after nearly a decade and a half.

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