Two major parts to the program today. First about 45 minutes I dealt with the explosion of another Twitter Mob today, stoked by people like Lex_Luther and Paul Flynn, who misrepresented an exchange I had about the role of politics and the reality of mortality in the panic surrounding Covid-19. They were (and are) calling for my burning, or at least my expulsion from ministry, for heartlessly attacking someone who lost an estranged spouse to Covid-19. Only problem is, it never happened. I did respond to someone else in a large number of comments, but I did not respond as it was reported and alleged. Sad that so many are so filled with anger and venom that they would not read carefully enough to see the truth. Panic is an ugly thing. But, once we had made that clear, I moved to a completely different topic, the textual variant at Romans 5:1. This had a personal twist to it, since it is a topic I have addressed over the years. Hopefully helpful and encouraging information for many.

Pray for us, please. It is a sad reality that slander and lies hurt, not just personally, but hurt the ministry. Doors are closed, opportunities diminished, support lost, when groups cooperate to promote lies and falsehoods.


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