Save the dates my friends! You are not going to want to miss the next GPTS Spring Theology Conference, March 12-14, 20013.

“Reformer John Calvin wrote that the two most important things for any person to know are who God is and who man is. In order to know God properly, one must know the truth about himself.

In our day, there is much confusion about who man is. Is the Bible correct that God made man in His image from the dust of the earth and Eve from the side of Adam, or is it possible, as some “Reformed” theologians have suggested, that Adam and Eve were made from primal hominids or that Adam was the head of a large people-group or tribe? Was there human death before the Fall? What role do the creation mandates have in the church today?

Because of the seriousness of these questions and others concerning mankind, the faculty and trustees of Greenville Seminary are devoting our 2013 Spring Theology Conference to the study of what the Bible says about man.”

Speakers and topics are as follows:

Dr. Richard Belcher — “The Supernatural Creation of Man” (including examination of modern theories of theistic evolution)

Dr. Guy Waters — “The Covenant of Works”

Dr. Joel Beeke — “Temptation and Fall” (free Tuesday evening service)

Mr. Matthew Holst — “Death Before the Fall?”

Mr. Bill Vandoodewaard — “Thomas Boston and the Four-fold State”

Dr. Nelson Kloosterman — “Imago Dei – Man, the Image of God”

Dr. Joseph Pipa — “Original Sin” (free Wednesday evening service)

Dr. Nelson Kloosterman — “The Cultural Mandate and the Great Commission – An Integrationist Model”

Mr. Gabriel Fluhrur — “Beware Lest Any Man Spoil You: Questioning the Philosophy of Science Used to Question the Bible’s Doctrine of Man”

Toward the end of the year, the GPTS Site should have further information.

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