I confess, this entire issue leaves me astonished. Sure, it is part of judgment, yes, our hands are covered with blood, so yes, the Lord is just to turn us upon ourselves. I get all of that.
“We need examples of masculinity” is all I hear. Look, the family, as God designed it, provides that. A father, and a mother. A father who provides, who works, who is disciplined, who shows love and respect for the mother. A mother who likewise works, but nurtures, comforts, respects and submits to her husband. When you have that example played out before you each and every day, you do not need to be desperately looking elsewhere for your role models. I learned in childhood that the day would come when I would need to take care of myself, provide for myself, and I believed that would happen at age 18 (yes, 18). And so I learned from my parents to work hard. I started working as a sophomore in high school (which is why I had a little money to buy a super cool suit to try to impress that gorgeous girl who I saw at church the first time I visited, who turned out to be my future sister-in-law—my wife is an identical twin), and yet I maintained my grades and graduated valedictorian and got a full ride scholarship to college. I didn’t go out and party and get in trouble (having to work sorta helps with that). And I learned to respect women and to treat them properly.

Andrew Tate embodies the absolute negation of true, biblical manhood. Self-centered, vain, arrogant, prideful, undisciplined, ignorant, violent, disrespectful to God and mankind, abusive to women and proud of it, he is the very epitome of ungodly, unChristlike rebellion. The things I have heard coming out of his mouth are astonishing and worthy only of the vilest of mankind. And yet here we have Christian young men, in a classical Christian school, finding him to be an attractive role model? This is the result of the nominalism that was recently described as “therapeutic deism,” a mixture of coddled Western rich kids who have never had to go without, never had to wear hand-me-downs, always gotten whatever they wanted, together with the influx of secular thought that leaves no place for the wrath or judgment of God.
It is not a matter of “offering a model.” It is a matter of directly teaching them that a life lived like Andrew Tate is a life ruined, a body defiled, a soul destroyed, a future eviscerated, and an eternity of just agony as punishment. If some enraged husband, or even rape victim, does not blow his brains out first, he will die a lonely, degraded, sad little man even if God grants him a long life so as to store up for himself an epic mountain of wrath. Unless he turns from this life, renounces it, sells all he owns to make reparations to all he has harmed, and turns to Christ in helpless abandon seeking forgiveness, he will be remembered as an example like Nero, an example of the worst of mankind.
And to the young men looking up to him, I say bluntly: you will never know true manhood, never know true love, commitment, peace, and fulfillment, as long as you live your life between your legs. You are not a dog prowling the alleyways looking for a ten second thrill each night. You are a man, made in God’s image, with responsibilities before Him. The day of your standing in judgment is much, MUCH closer than you think. The decisions you make today will vastly limit the choices you can make in the future. Do not be a fool! Read the first ten chapters of Proverbs, now, before you watch another movie or Netflix program. Listen. Think. Ponder. CONTROL YOURSELF. Recognize the high calling that you have as the creation of God. See Tate for what he is: an animal enslaved by a hormone rather than a man in control of his body and his mind. Reject your own destruction. Do not follow him down the dark path to death. Turn, and run, from Andrew Tate. Turn, and run, to Christ. They are polar opposites.