Anxiety.  Worry.  I will confess, it is a besetting sin.  I am not sure why.  Maybe I picked it up from my parents, not because they expressed it to me, but because I was astute enough to recognize how difficult their lives were. How little we had, and how hard they worked just to get by.

Yes, it is a sin.  In fact, think about this: our Lord invested a pretty hefty section of the Sermon on the Mount in warning us about the foolishness of the sin of worry (Matthew 6:25-34).  He concludes that section, “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.”  And Paul echoed his Lord’s command, “Be anxious for nothing” (Phil. 4:6).  There are few topics more cut and dried: anxiety is not to be a part of the Christian’s daily experience.

But…it is, at least for some of us.  Not just the anxiety of the regular pressures of life, but in this present day, the anxiety of the direction of the entire world, embracing the rebellion of the day like a virus of the mind, rushing toward self-destruction, or, at least it seems so to us. 

The root of anxiety is distrust: we have “small faith” in God, little faith in His promises, or even His ability to carry out those promises!  Do we have example after example in Scripture and in church history of those before us pressing on in faith, trusting God, and finding Him faithful?  Of course!  But oh how the pressure of the moment can make us forgetful and anxious!  In my own life I have seen God’s faithfulness over and over and over again.  Amazing, isn’t it, that we can experience God’s faithfulness and in such a short time fall into doubt and distrust? Why do our memories focus on the negative, and do not dwell on the positive?  [Suggestion: because we do not cultivate, or, at least I do not cultivate nearly enough, the Christian virtue of thanksgiving.  Spending time each day giving true, heart-felt thanks to God for all He has done for us is, I know, the greatest antidote for anxiety].  

I know we will all face reasons for anxiety today.  For me, I will surely seek to keep my Lord’s words in mind, and pray for the peace which passes all understanding, which He can provide in abundance.  

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