This article speaks for itself.
There is no reason to repeat the rational, logical argumentation of my previous post.
There is also no rational, logical defense of TR Onlyism.
Tags: Jeff Riddle Textus Receptus TROnlyismThis article speaks for itself.
There is no reason to repeat the rational, logical argumentation of my previous post.
There is also no rational, logical defense of TR Onlyism.
Tags: Jeff Riddle Textus Receptus TROnlyismIt was nice not to have to run a “words you can’t say in 2021 in the US” filter today as we were not live streaming on YouTube. Discussed the spike protein, selection pressure, Fauci’s constant lies, etc., as the Omicron Craze sweeps the nation. Briefly commented on the oral arguments from yesterday on the SC abortion case, was dragged
Started off with a few comments regarding some of the response to Tuesday’s program regarding Thomism, including a thread by Danny Slavich. Then we listened to key elements of a webcast promoting TR Onlyism from Greenville Presbyterian Seminary and, yes, we made sure to play the part where at the beginning they indicated that the Seminary does not take a
Spent some time talking about how Australia has fallen into the pit of totalitarianism, then did an unplanned discussion of the Legacy Standard Bible’s reading at Jude 5 and the upcoming ECM volumes (and CBGM data) for Mark that will be available in about three weeks. Moved from there to a discussion of the “debate” of some kind between Michael
On the way home from a month on the road, catching up on a few items such as the re-ignition (by one side) of the “Federal Vision” controversy, etc. Then we went through ten points raised by Dr. Van Kleeck in posts written since our debate.
Was on the road for six hours today but still managed to sneak a program in this afternoon, looking a bit at my discussion with Doug Wilson on “paedocommunion” (he prefers “child communion” and there is, actually, a difference), then responding to Jeffrey Riddle on an odd take on semper Reformanda, and then finishing up with a little discussion on
We dealt with the accusations of Dr. Dan DeWitt, Research Fellow of the ERLC, calling for him to substantiate, or withdraw, his statements. Then we looked at how we are all influenced by the history that came before us, whether we see it or not. Had a little fun with Dr. Mohler and Whataburger and dodgeball, and then spent the
Zoomed through a ton of stuff on Covid-19, attacks on religious liberty, the big tech censorship at the start of the program. Reviewed Michael F. Bird’s article, then worked through Dr. Edmondson’s CT article as well, and finished up with a full refutation of Chris Thomas’ false accusation that I reject the first section of the LBCF. An hour and
For the first hour we thought through the conclusion to a presentation from Dr. Jemar Tisby, considering standpoint epistemology, whiteness, etc. Then I looked at the “shocking” statements I made in the debate with Dr. Riddle on the TR. Ninety minutes. We will do another program, Lord willing, on Friday.
Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Alpha and Omega Ministries
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James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. He is the author of more than twenty books, a professor and an accomplished debater.
©2025 Alpha and Omega Ministries. All Rights Reserved.