Just a quick Screenflow video following up on the sermons from last evening.

Just a quick Screenflow video following up on the sermons from last evening.
Hard to even remember the number of topics we covered today! Looked at a tweet from P&P about my being “childish,” looked at a new contributor to WorldView Weekend who is just repeating the same old, oft-refuted errors, listened to William Lane Craig misrepresent Calvinists (again), played the disgusting clip of an actress proud of her multiple abortions, looked at
https://youtu.be/fxW2xQelez4 https://youtu.be/9dl7vVHlagU https://youtu.be/2wXeiQYDFuo https://youtu.be/Ab_yXWJx_Tc
Decided to do a quick DL short today in light of the wild-eyed demagoguery we were abused with yesterday by the Regime, and the continued insanity at SCOTUS today. How can intelligent people not only believe, but embrace and promote obvious lies? The Bible tells us it happens, and why.
In his The God of Israel and Christian Theology R. Kendall Soulen make a case why God’s love must be exclusive in his election of the physical people Abraham-Israel. The same principle can be applied to the Divine electing love of individuals—Jew or Gentile—who are in Christ. But why should God be a God of election at all? Does not God
A 90 minute Radio Free Geneva responding to this video (which I play in its entirety) where Dr. Leighton Flowers attempts to “DeCalvinize” Romans 8:28-30 by insisting this is actually only about Israelites God “knew” in the past.
This was tweeted to me this morning. Rachel @RachelBeth 1689 sent it, with the description, “Miniature fans in Washington. They did this on their own.” Well, made my day! 🙂
Caught up on a few items on a special DL today. Read through a long message from Twitter that is a good warning about how some eschatologies can become downright dangerous, and then moved back to reviewing aspects of Muhammed Hijab’s opening remarks in the Trinity/Tawhid debate.
Many of our readers will remember the debate that took place this past summer in Denver, Colorado, with Open Theist Bob Enyart. We had to do a series of responses to Enyart after he went into major “damage control mode” after the debate, which did not go well for him and his very unique theology. We replied to most of
Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Alpha and Omega Ministries
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James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. He is the author of more than twenty books, a professor and an accomplished debater.
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