Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Prophecy for Today?
Jeff Downs, , UncategorizedI thought I had posted links to the following audio on this site, but I can’t seem to find it. Here is a discussion/debate between Richard Gaffin, Jr. and Wayne Grudem. I believe this recording is from 1989. Perhaps you’ve seen this one posted other places, but here is a more recent discussion (2010) between Ian Hamilton and Wayne Grudem.
Two Quick Notes
James White, , UncategorizedFirst, I shut down the AandODirector twitter feed, as per my announcement yesterday. @Droakley1689 is my only feed. I started the other because of complaints about my posting personal tweets. Then I realized, “It has never crossed my mind to ask someone I follow in Twitter to stop posting personal stuff, so why am I worried about whiners?” So let
Quick Pre-South Africa Ministry Resource List Addition
James White, , UncategorizedI just added an item to the Ministry Resource List that would help a lot in the preparation for South Africa (and Kiev and Berlin and…). You can find the MRL here.
Providence Conference Audio
Jeff Downs, , Christian Worldview, General Apologetics, Pastoral Theology, Theology Matters, UncategorizedThis years GPTS Spring Theology Conference is over. In about a week or so, I will upload the entire conference to our Sermon Audio site, but for now I’ve added the following: The Definition & Beauty of Providence by Dr. Joel Beeke. Providence or Fatalism by Dr. Joseph Pipa. The Devil Made Me Do It, by Dr. Pipa. And all
Recovering a Vision: The Presidency of R. Albert Mohler Jr.
Jeff Downs, , UncategorizedIf this video doesn’t bless your heart, check your pulse.
Pastors, Cut Your Sermon Prep Time in HALF! I Am Serious…
Dr. Alan Kurschner, , Exegesis, Resources, Textual Issues, UncategorizedI want to piggyback on Michael Kruger’s “You Don’t Think Learning the Biblical Languages is Worth It? Think Again” and add a few comments of my own on the use of Biblical languages for pastors (and anyone who has a desire to learn them). 1. Pastors (I am not one) who actually know how to read the biblical languages (not
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