Dear friends (Jeff Downs here) I want to inform you of some things that I’ve been involved in. First, and foremost is a new podcast called Christianity And…. An Apologetics Podcast. We recorded our first episode a few weeks ago (hope to work out the sound issues). Lord willing, future episodes will include a discussion on confutation in the pulpit, as well as working through Machen’s book Christianity and Liberalism.
Please like our FB page:
Podcast #1 is located here:
In connection with the podcast, we’re also putting together some T-shirts with various quotations, etc. Check out and like the FB page here:
Finally (James will love this one), our family has been roasting coffee since 2005. We’ve decided that we’re going to roast and sell. If you’re interested, please check out and like our FB page:
Some of may be wondering about a journal I announced with a similar name as the podcast. That is not going to happen. Sorry.