In just a few days Greenville Presbyterian Theologican Seminary will hold its annual Spring Theology Conference at Grace Baptist Church Taylors, SC. The theme this year is “God’s Works of Providence and will include lectures from GPTS faculty as well as Derek Thomas, James Anderson, Joel Beeke and Ben Miller. But, there is more… Kicking off the conference will be Dr. O. Palmer Robertson on Tuesday morning with two lectures on “The Flow of the Psalms.” Robertson’s lectures will be held at the Academy of Arts (just behind the seminary), starting at 9am.

The conference will begin at 1pm on Tuesday with a lecture by Dr. James McGoldrick titled “Calling All Christians! Calvin’s Doctrine of Vocation.” McGoldrick is the author of numerous books including Presbyterian and Reformed Churches: A Global History.

Dr. Benjamin Shaw (another GPTS professor) is up next to to address the problem of evil with “Just a Lot of Noise: Providence & the Problem of Evil.” Dr. Shaw is currently writing a commentary on Ecclesiastes. You can follow some of Dr. Shaw’s writing on this blog.

Joel Beeke will finished the Tuesday sessions (7pm) with “The Definition and Beauty of Providence.” This session along with the Wednesday evening session will be broadcast live on Sermon Audio here.

The Wednesday evening session will be Dr. Joseph Pipa (President of GPTS) dealing with “Providence or Fatalism.” As I previously mentioned, James Anderson will be speaking on the topic “Calvinism and the First Sin,” and Derek Thomas will be addressing Middle-Knowledge.”

For more information on the sessions listed above, as well as others visit the conference website.

Shortly after the conference, if all goes well, I will upload the audio on the GPTS Sermon Audio site.

Lord willing this is my last year handling the sound board for this conference. I am scheduled to graduate from GPTS in May, and will be interning (one year) with a Scotman near Chicago IL.


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