Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
William Lane Craig Comments
James White, , UncategorizedPacking up to head back to Phoenix (via Frankfurt and Chicago) and ran across some recent William Lane Craig comments that truly amazed me. Right before identifying Jimmy Dunn as one of his favorite NT historians (that alone says a lot—Dunn’s work is simply acidic to believing Christianity, and is based upon a thoroughly non-Christian mindset when it comes to
Calvinism and the Christian Life
Jeff Downs, , UncategorizedI opened my Email this morning to discover a new video series produced by Ligonier Ministries. What excited me is the fact that Ian Hamilton is the feature lecturer. Dr. Hamilton is the author of Let’s Study the Letters of John among other book. He is also the pastor at Cambridge Presbyterian Church in the UK and on the board
Interview: Was Jesus Crucified? Romel Ghossain, Midnight Cry, Australia, 3/20/2012
James White, , Uncategorized
Dan Barker: Ultra Fundamentalist to This Very Day
James White, , UncategorizedI have pretty much avoided reference to, or commentary about, Dan Barker, the head of the Freedom from Religion Foundation. Our exchanges after the debate wherein he objected to my opening statement were far less than cordial, and given FFRF’s massively documented history of litigation, I made a commitment to give him a very wide berth. His arguments have been
Interview: God’s Sovereignty, Romel Ghossain, Renewed Mind, Australia, 12/8/2011
James White, , Uncategorized
Interview: Is the Bible Corrupted? Romel Ghossain, Midnight Cry, Australia, 3/20/2012
James White, , Uncategorized
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