Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Radio Free Geneva: DeCalvinizing Romans 8 with Leighton Flowers
James White, , Exegesis, Reformed Apologetics, The Dividing Line, UncategorizedA 90 minute Radio Free Geneva responding to this video (which I play in its entirety) where Dr. Leighton Flowers attempts to “DeCalvinize” Romans 8:28-30 by insisting this is actually only about Israelites God “knew” in the past.
Pastors, Cut Your Sermon Prep Time in HALF! I Am Serious…
Dr. Alan Kurschner, , Exegesis, Resources, Textual Issues, UncategorizedI want to piggyback on Michael Kruger’s “You Don’t Think Learning the Biblical Languages is Worth It? Think Again” and add a few comments of my own on the use of Biblical languages for pastors (and anyone who has a desire to learn them). 1. Pastors (I am not one) who actually know how to read the biblical languages (not
You Can Tell Ergun Caner is Angry When…
James White, , UncategorizedI imagine things are tough for Ergun Caner these days. The reality of his past, of his many lies and exaggerations, is becoming more widely known, despite the efforts of his enablers (Norman Geisler leading the list). Everywhere he goes, if he appears in public, he has to be thinking, “Will someone bring it up? Will someone ask about Hadith
Prophecy for Today?
Jeff Downs, , UncategorizedI thought I had posted links to the following audio on this site, but I can’t seem to find it. Here is a discussion/debate between Richard Gaffin, Jr. and Wayne Grudem. I believe this recording is from 1989. Perhaps you’ve seen this one posted other places, but here is a more recent discussion (2010) between Ian Hamilton and Wayne Grudem.
Interview: What is the Doctrine of the Trinity? Romel Ghossain, Midnight Cry, Australia, 4/4/2012
James White, , Uncategorized
Teaching: Apologetics and Sexuality, Melbourne, Australia, 10/22/2019
James White, , Uncategorized
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