“In confutation of false doctrines, he [i.e. the minister] is neither to raise an old heresy from the grave, nor to mention a blasphemous opinion unnecessarily: but, if the people be in danger of an error, he is to confute it soundly, and endeavor to satisfy their judgments and consciences against all objections.”

Nick Batzig has written an article on a topic that I’ve been wanting to address for quite some time. But since he has done the hard work, I’ll refer you to his piece here. I do want to address it from a different angle, so Lord willing, someday (after seminary – hopefully this May) I’ll put something together.

If Nick’s article interests you, you may also want to purchase Risking The truth: Handling Error in the Church. Or this older work.

Here is a brief description:

This book is not merely of historical interest; it is also of considerable value now because many of the errors refuted within its pages have surfaced again in the 21st century church under new guises. Christians today can learn a great deal from the faithful witness of former generations who experienced “truth’s victory over error—.

See also Dr. White’s Pulpit Crimes: The Criminal Mishandling of God’s Word.

“but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence” (1 Peter 3:15).


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