Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Another Screen Flow Home Video: More KJV Only Misrepresentation
James White, , Exegesis, King James Onlyism, Textual Issues, UncategorizedRecently a video was posted on YouTube from the folks at More standard KJV Only misrepresentation addressed (along with a discussion of the textual background of Acts 8:36-38).
Ergun Caner: Practicing Muslim? Really?
James White, , UncategorizedSo today a friend pointed out that back in January of 2010, before the Caners were exposed in the Christian blogosphere and elsewhere (Muhammad Khan had started that process earlier, but his work had not gotten our attention as yet), a little exchange took place between the brothers: Now, remember: the Ergun Caner story presents him as a faithful, Arabic
Remember, Caner Defied Scripture to Claim Copyright on This Pack of Lies
James White, , Misc, UncategorizedHere is a concentrated version of Ergun Caner’s lies, exaggerations, falsehoods, off-color jokes, etc., from just one of the two Marine videos—the videos he has claimed copyright on, and lost a lawsuit over. The antics are embarrassing, the lies damning, and all the more because he dared defy Scripture and sue a pastor over having posted them publicly for all
Tomorrow on The Dividing Line: Responding to Theodore Shoebat
James White, , UncategorizedI’ve been receiving a fair number of links to the claims being made by Theodore Shoebat, son of Walid Shoebat. It seems the Shoebats see themselves as defenders of “the Catholic Church,” however they define that term (one of the main problems I am seeing in their claims). In any case, I was sent a link to his video on
Two Quick Notes
James White, , UncategorizedFirst, I shut down the AandODirector twitter feed, as per my announcement yesterday. @Droakley1689 is my only feed. I started the other because of complaints about my posting personal tweets. Then I realized, “It has never crossed my mind to ask someone I follow in Twitter to stop posting personal stuff, so why am I worried about whiners?” So let
Teaching: Apologetics and Post Modernism, Melbourne, Australia, 10/23/2019
James White, , Uncategorized
A Program for the INC: John 1:1, 17:3, and Other Biblical Issues Post-Debate
James White, , Exegesis, General Apologetics, Iglesia Ni Christo, Reformed Apologetics, Roman Catholicism, UncategorizedDid a follow up on the INC debate and its aftermath today, responding to the posting of a Facebook article likening me to Simon Magus in my seeking to obtain the book, Fundamental Beliefs of the Iglesia Ni Christo (Erano G. Manalo). Went in-depth into John 1:1, 17:3 (didn’t even go on to 17:5!), and discussed the Holy Spirit as well.
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