Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Teaching: The Preeminence of Christ, Hope Reformed Baptist Church, Underwood, Australia, 10/25/2016
James White, , Uncategorized
Pastors, Cut Your Sermon Prep Time in HALF! I Am Serious…
Dr. Alan Kurschner, , Exegesis, Resources, Textual Issues, UncategorizedI want to piggyback on Michael Kruger’s “You Don’t Think Learning the Biblical Languages is Worth It? Think Again” and add a few comments of my own on the use of Biblical languages for pastors (and anyone who has a desire to learn them). 1. Pastors (I am not one) who actually know how to read the biblical languages (not
God’s Providence, Etc.
Jeff Downs, , UncategorizedIn just a few days Greenville Presbyterian Theologican Seminary will hold its annual Spring Theology Conference at Grace Baptist Church Taylors, SC. The theme this year is “God’s Works of Providence and will include lectures from GPTS faculty as well as Derek Thomas, James Anderson, Joel Beeke and Ben Miller. But, there is more… Kicking off the conference will be
Reflections on Two Dialogues in Spain
James White, , UncategorizedSince my travel home has been, well, less than easy, and I find myself now with some time on the (thankfully) final leg of my journey, I wanted to write up some thoughts about the debates which took place on Revelation TV this past weekend. First, I am somewhat uncomfortable with the term “debate” in this instance, for a number
Just Where is that Mr. Evans Fellow Again?
James White, , UncategorizedTwitter keeps telling me that I should follow Rachel Held Evans. I keep uttering Hebrew imprecations under my breath at Twitter for its suggestion. If I followed Mrs. Evans, it would be for the same reason I follow certain other folks: to keep up with what those who “upset the faith of some” are saying and doing. Later this month
The New Secular Fascism
James White, , Musings, UncategorizedOf course you can have religious freedom: as long as that freedom does not show itself outside of the confines of your cranium. It cannot influence your words, your acts or anything else that would remind me that I am a rebel against the God I know is there (but refuse to honor and worship). —The New Secular Fascist living
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