Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Stories from the Mission Field to the LDS
James White, , Mormonism, The Dividing Line, UncategorizedWhen the scheduled special guest fell through, the AoMin staff took the opportunity to share more about their experiences witnessing to Mormons. Instead of merely demonizing Joseph Smith, the focus needs to go back the gospel and the nature of God. Sometimes it was bystanders that responded to the truth more than the questioners themselves.
Review of Three Recent Debates in Speaking Tour
James White, , UncategorizedA discussion on the purpose of doing debates, the folly of cheap debating tricks, and the usefulness of the newly acquired PPT software + projector. James reviews his recent debates: Great Debate IV on the Mass with Sungenis, Hamza Abdul Malik on the deity of Christ in the NT, and Sabin on the Trinity vs. Oneness theology.discussion with a caller
Systematic Theology (Vos)
Jeff Downs, , UncategorizedIf you are looking for an easy to read systematic theology, Vos is not what you want. But, if you are looking for a good solid systematic that will stretch you, for now, look no further than the new Reformed Dogmatics by Geerhardus Vos, translated by Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. The three volumes that are available are on sale this
Presuppositionalism Discussed, Hebrews 10:25, and the Trail of Blood
James White, , Church History, Exegesis, General Apologetics, Godly Disciplines, Islam, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Reformed Apologetics, Roman Catholicism, Theology Matters, UncategorizedOver 90 minutes today starting off with a question from a friend in email about presuppositionalism that ended up going 48 minutes in length (thanks Matt!). Then I looked at two Twitter questions, one on Hebrews 10:25 and the current crisis around the world, and one about “The Trail of Blood.” We will be back tomorrow, keeping you company as
Interview: Who Wrote the Bible? Romel Ghossain, Renewed Mind, Australia, 12/13/2011
James White, , Uncategorized
Breaking the Cross, Killing the Swine: Truly Thinking About ISIS and the Murder of 21 Copts
James White, , Uncategorized“They supplicate what they worship and die upon their paganism.” These are the subtitled words shown in the 5 minute ISIS video right as they are showing the beheading of 21 Coptic Christians on the shore in Libya. At the most gruesome point of the explicit video, as men kneeling on the backs of their victims are literally sawing through
On Refuting Theological Error
Jeff Downs, , Uncategorized“In confutation of false doctrines, he is neither to raise an old heresy from the grave, nor to mention a blasphemous opinion unnecessarily: but, if the people be in danger of an error, he is to confute it soundly, and endeavor to satisfy their judgments and consciences against all objections.” Nick Batzig has written an article on
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