Over the past five or six years our Amazon wish list, which we call the Ministry Resource List, has been a tremendous blessing and assistance to our work here at A&O.  Unfortunately, Amazon isn’t overly good at letting us know who bought what, and that leads to problems.  So, we’ve moved the MRL to our store.  In essence, what we will do is list the requested materials, and if you want to help, you just donate the cost of the item.  You get full credit, we get the item, and there is full documentation to keep all those three letter government agencies happy.

Now it just so happens that I have thrown a bunch of items on the MRL because, well, new opportunities have just come up and I have a bunch of studying to do and almost no time to do it!  So, if you can help, here’s the new link to the MRL (you can always find this link at the bottom of the main page of the website).

UPDATE:  many thanks to those who responded.  I’ve added a software item against all my better instincts, Microsoft Office 2011.  Why?  Well, I much prefer writing in Mellel (a very nice, clean Israeli word processor for Mac), but you can’t avoid having to have Word in some form these days.  And here’s the problem: in the current book I’m writing I have word length limitations, and Word seems to be the “standard” in that area.  I just finished a chapter, for example.  Maximum words: 4000.  Mellel said my chapter was 3990.  Pages said the same file is 3864.  Word says is it 3803.  I can do a lot with nearly 200 words, but do I HAVE 200 words?  My current edition of Word (2008) crashed 45 times while editing the book on the Qur’an (woohoo!).  Maybe I’m being overly optimistic, but maybe, just maybe, the newest edition (2011—irony!) will be less liable to crashing during editing?  In any case, it seems we will be using Word as the final word (ha!) on the number of words, so, there you go.


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