The fanatical dedication of the slaves of the Culture of Death should shame those of us who follow the Life with such little passion & zeal.
ἐγὼ ἦλθον ἵνα ζωὴν ἔχωσιν καὶ περισσὸν ἔχωσιν.
The fanatical dedication of the slaves of the Culture of Death should shame those of us who follow the Life with such little passion & zeal.
ἐγὼ ἦλθον ἵνα ζωὴν ἔχωσιν καὶ περισσὸν ἔχωσιν.
Be careful what you preach about! Today I preached from 2 Corinthians 4:1-6, and the need to not “lose heart” but to press on toward our calling in 2014. So what happens when I get home? I discover that Ergun Caner has gone on another Twitter rant, proclaiming his innocence and, of course, including falsehoods and shots at yours truly.
So today a friend pointed out that back in January of 2010, before the Caners were exposed in the Christian blogosphere and elsewhere (Muhammad Khan had started that process earlier, but his work had not gotten our attention as yet), a little exchange took place between the brothers: Now, remember: the Ergun Caner story presents him as a faithful, Arabic
Went long today, so get a deep seat in the proverbial saddle! Spent quite some time on the Max Lucado debacle wherein he apologizes for having spoken the truth 17 years ago—a truth that is now “hurtful.” Then we moved on to the Ravi Zacharias scandal and developments therein. Finally I finished up with about half an hour on last
Covered a wide variety of topics, starting off with a little information about our next trip (which you can help with here if you feel led to do so!) and then diving into current events focusing upon the rise of the Culture of Death. We looked at the new PCUSA “Climate” hymn, at the explosion of celebrations of perversity, the
Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Alpha and Omega Ministries
P.O. Box 37106
Phoenix, AZ 85069
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James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. He is the author of more than twenty books, a professor and an accomplished debater.
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