Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
652 search results for: king james only
King James Only Straw Manism: Kent Brandenburg
James White, , King James Onlyism, Textual Issues, The Dividing LineAs I promised on Wednesday, I continued my review of Kent Brandenburg’s amazing hit-piece here, taking up the whole hour on the subject. I happened to notice (thankfully, after the show was over), that not only has he replied on his blog, but, of course, the Troll of Trolls, the single nastiest, meanest, lowest stalker on the Internet today, “James
Alan Kurschner reviewed a KJV Only article yesterday, and the author (who wrote his first post without having listened to the entire debate, completed his review. The level of bias flies past the level of sheer bigotry, as seen in this amazing paragraph: In fairness to Ehrman, even though I hate the work that he does, he has a higher
Kent Brandenburg has written some presumptuous comments on the White-Ehrman debate. He has made unsubstantiated claims about Dr. White’s apologetics and the debate specifically. (Brandenburg is a King James Only advocate to give you some background of his presuppositions.) Brandenburg writes, “James White hasn’t done much to defend the Bible against the skeptic . He’s mainly attempted to give more
Why We Need to Consistently Expose False Concepts: King James Onlyism
James White, , King James OnlyismThe Snare Of The Devil You asked about 2 Timothy 2:26 in one of your debates. ‘And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will’. I am not sure exactly what you asked but this scripture stands out as I pray for you. You are a modern
Today I began responding to some proponents of King James Onlyism who did a review/rebuttal of my book on the radio last week. As I had noted, I invited them to participate, but so far, I haven’t gotten a lot of response to my invitations. In any case, it has been a while since addressing some of these issues, so
I was sent a link to this gentleman’s videos attacking me. It is a classic example of the mindset that exemplifies King James Onlyism. The description included such lines as, “James White, the master deciever and arrogant liar that he is has distorted much facts about the King James Bible and the history of the Bible as a whole.” As
First DL in a while, so callers took precedence. Discussed a wide variety of topics, with one half-hour call on King James Onlyism, one call on the distinction between latria and dulia in Roman Catholic theology.
If You Understand One Thing About The “King James Only” Phenomenon it is Imperative to Know This…
Dr. Alan Kurschner, , King James Onlyism…The textual end justifies the textual means. They are motivated only in defending a modern printed text and any questions of methodology are irrelevant because they are governed by their a priori that the Textus Receptus (the Greek printed edition that lies behind the KJV) is without error. That is why you will often notice (I will provide a perfect,
Dear Sir: This is in regard to your article on Gail Riplinger. Just over a year ago the leader of the church that I had been attending condemned the AVKJ! This was shocking so ASAP I went into prayer asking our Heavenly Father thru His only begotten Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth to please show me His truth, not the
Dr. Hills’ honesty is a breath of fresh air. If he had not begun with the assumption of the superiority of the TR, he would undoubtedly have been led to a conclusion in favor, at the very least, of the “Majority Text” rather than the modern critical texts. But another argument precluded his coming to any conclusions other than the
Download the file. This presentation was explained previously on a Dividing Line broadcast.
An in depth discussion reviewing James White’s book The King James Only Controversy.
A Colorful Response to The King James Only Controversy Falls Way Short – James White Responds to Dr. Thomas Holland
James White, , King James OnlyismThere have been only a few responses to my book, The King James Only Controversy. Aside from one privately written and published response by Dr. Kirk DiVietro (my reply), and Dr. Ruckman’s wild-eyed articles in the Bible Believer’s Bulletin (which, as I understand it, ended up in a “book” as well), there has been little in the way of substantive
The King James Bible Debate with Nathan Cravatt
James White, , Church History, King James Onlyism, Textual Issues, The Dividing LineWe were joined by Nathan Cravatt who did a King James Bible debate a few weeks ago, deep in the heart of KJVO country. We discussed his background and how the debate went, and played and discussed some clips as well. Nearly 75 minutes of helpful discussion especially if you have fundamentalist friends caught up in the KJV Only movement.
One of the new features that we have on this site is a searchable table of the debates of James White that are available online. You can view all of them from the James White page. You can search by debate topic, opponent, or even dates. There are currently 153 debates listed, but if there is one that you find
KJV Onlyism, James Snapp Visits St. Catherine’s, Rescuing Isaiah 10 from Leighton Flowers, Ken Wilson Misrepresents Augustine
James White, , Church History, Exegesis, Provisionism, Textual Issues, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersWell the title says it all! Tomorrow we will open the phones at the top of the hour at 1:30pm EDT and take four callers before moving back into teaching material. Join us then! Also, here is a picture of the reference I read toward the end of the program which is so fully misused by Ken Wilson in his
Open Phones with Pastors James and Jeff
Rich Pierce, , Abortion, Atheism, Christian Worldview, Church History, Exegesis, General Apologetics, Mormonism, Pastoral Theology, Reformed Apologetics, Roman Catholicism, Theology Matters, UncategorizedDid an hour and 15 minutes of phone calls (but, that was only 4 calls!) with my fellow pastor Jeff Durbin. Some good topics of conversation to be had, hope you find it encouraging! Thanks to Jeff for coming in! Here is the YouTube link: Live Video Stream The Dividing Line is on YouTube video. Our YouTube channel also provides
James’ Reformation Day Ramble (And Show and Tell)
James White, , Church History, Personal, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing LineSo I guess I didn’t have a real agenda today because I basically just wandered around and rambled a lot. Eventually I pulled up Photos on my Mac and showed pictures from Germany (it was, after all, Reformation Day!), and somehow I then jumped to my Israel pictures and then jumped back to Romans 3:28 and Luther’s translation of that
A Quick, (Audio Only), Dividing Line from the High Country
James White, , Homosexuality, Racialism, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersJust a few items as James is on the road, including a little astronomy, and then some discussion of the movement to “apologize” to the “LGBTQ” community—a community that, by any rational analysis, does not actually exist. Also, a brief discussion of the release by InterVarsity Press of a new book titled, “Can ‘White’ People Be Saved? Here is the
James Cone Eulogized by Evangelicals, Andy Stanley Unhooks the Old Testament, Open Phones on a Ton of Interesting Topics
James White, , Christian Worldview, Exegesis, General Apologetics, Mormonism, Pauline Studies, Racialism, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersCovered some issues relating to racialism, including a webcast from SEBTS, at the start. Then listened to key elements of Andy Stanley’s sermon “unhooking” the Old Testament from the New Testament Church. Then we took calls on a wide variety of topics, including cessationism and continuationism, Mormonism, particular redemption, and more. Only one more program before I head overseas for
A Full Response to Steve Camp’s Shocking Diatribe
James White, , Christian Worldview, General Apologetics, IslamSteve Camp James R. White I’ve listened and watched both videos of this IFD with you and Qadhi three times each. Have watched other debates you’ve done with other Muslims as well as listened to your rebuttals on the Dividing Line. I always do my homework. Then I hope you won’t mind my holding you to the standard that would
Travel Report, Response to Steve Camp and then some KJVOnly Wackiness
Rich Pierce, , The Dividing LineJames returns from his trip to London to South Africa, back to London and then back home by way of Belfast whirlwind tour. After giving us an overview of the events he then turned his attention on present matters. First a reply to Steve Camp’s criticism of debating Muslims from his Facebook page. Then a reply to Mike Licona’s “calling
Brand new hardback, re-typeset, Smyth-sewn biding of James Bannerman’s The Church of Christ is now available for $40 until May 7. Check out 18 pages of the book by clicking here. Publisher description: The New Testament places the church at the centre of its practical vision of the Christian life and at the heart of the Great Commission. A church-less
MuslimByChoice posted a video on YouTube three years ago titled, “Dr. James White called Robert Morey “STUPID”, “DUMB” AND “FOOLISH” on his Radio Show!!” Here is the video: Now, of course, what I did was call a particular statement stupid, dumb and foolish—and yes, Bob Morey made the statement. In fact, as you listen to the clip (all the video
I just finished dropping all of these dates into our Google calendar at the bottom of the page. If you use Google calendar you can actually flag a particular event and save it to your own calendar so take advantage of those features. JAMES R. WHITE’s 2014 NJ-NY Speaking Itinerary: James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries,
The Chris Pinto vs. James White debate on whether Codex Sinaiticus is a modern forgery can be boiled down to a few considerations. 1) Constantine Simonides claimed that he wrote the document based on collating pre-existing manuscripts, and that his uncle corrected the document. Both sides agree that he so claimed. Dr. White demonstrated that these claims are essentially impossible,