Tobias Speaks, So Finally, So Can I

Welby, Lawson, and Christian Unity

New Big Board in the Big Studio

Road Trippin’ Again in Texas: Election Stuff, Precious Moments at the Vatican, David Allen, Debate Report, AND the Response to Joel Webbon

Mishnah, Talmud, and the Ugly Rise of Side-B Nazism in 2024

Jew Hatred, Sacralism, and Crashing the Net by Mentioning Leighton Flowers

Road Trip DL: Responding to Eric Conn and Andrew Torba

Rutgers’ Racist Professor, More Muhammed Hijab, and the Neo-Socinian Nonsense Again

Open Phones on the Dividing Line

Lots of Topics on the DL Today

TMS and DMCA, Why I Don’t Worship “A Particular Relational Inflection”

Road Trip DL: Ministry Report, Dr. Young and a Debate, Response to Various Topics

Pursuing the Enemy with CrossPolitic and Delano Squires

Redefining Family, Chic Racism, Horse-Dewormer, Religious Exemptions

Road Trip Dividing Line #1!

Speaking the Truth Is Dangerous Today/More on Jimmy Akin and Sola Scriptura

Dividing Line/Sheologians Mash Up

“White Nature,” the 1946 Lie, Jimmy Akin

The President’s Plans

A Post-Chauvin Verdict Show

Marty Duren and Big Eva, Vaccine Passports, and then Open Phones

Canadian Tyranny and Anthony Bradley Remote Diagnosis

The Coming SBC Split

Insights from Startling Phrases in the Bible, then More Wokeplosions

Pope Francis and Mary as Co-Redemptrix, Kyle James Howard Woke-Breaks Marriage, Jesus Wasn’t a Puppet

Ibram Kendi Sits in Front of the Refutation of His Own Teachings

Various Woke Explosions, Tim Keller, then Trent Horn

Special Guest Tom Buck/1 Corinthians 1 and a Debate

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