A Sad Twitter Thread, an Hour on the Knowledge and Decree of God

The Philosophical Genealogy of Aristotle, According to Augustine

Catching Up on the Culture of Death

Freedom is the Primary Casualty of the Experimental, Mandated Vaccines

Yes, Lillibell, We Did Another Radio Free Geneva, and It Was Two Hours Long!

Radio Free Geneva

Clearing the Table Before Tomorrow’s Radio Free Geneva

Miscellaneous Topics Before a Deep Dive into the Perpetual Virginity of Mary

Being Reformed, Provisionism in Rome, Aquinas in Geneva

Road Tripping in El Paso

Road Trip #2 Live from Conway, Arkansas

James White’s Current Events Listing

Road Trip Two: WLC and Adam, the Baptism Debates Rage On

Radio Free Geneva (90 Minutes), Further Topics

ADE, More Litton, More Hanegraaff

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