Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
SCOTUS Madness, Then Open Phones
James White, , Church Fathers, Debate, Eschatology, Open Phones, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, The Dividing LineTalked a bit about the insane responses to a common sense SCOTUS decision, then went to the phones, covering Ignatius and the Eucharist (here’s the video I mentioned), what to do when asked to leave a church over Calvinism, supralapsarianism and the divine decree, intinction, Jeremiah 31:33/Romans 2:15, and finally “intellectual dispensationalism.”
Debate: Gay Marriage? Dee Bradshaw, Salt Lake City, Utah, 4/3/2004
James White, , Debate, Homosexuality, The Dividing LineJames White debates Dee Bradshaw the Pastor of Sacred Light of Christ Church of Salt Lake City, UT (Metropolitan Community Church) on the subject of Gay Marriage and the bible.
Judas and Open Theism, Preston Sprinkle and Pronoun Hospitality
James White, , Debate, General Apologetics, Homosexuality, Post-Evangelicalism, The Dividing LineTwo portions to the program today, the first dealing with Warren McGrew and the question, “Could Judas have done the right thing and not betrayed Jesus?” in reference to Jesus’ self-identification in John 13:19. Interesting stuff! Then we looked at Preston Sprinkle’s new book, Embodied, and examined his defense of “pronoun hospitality.”
Debate: Which is more trustworthy – The Qur’an or Bible? Adnan Rashid, Unbelievable Radio, London, 3/6/2010
James White, , Debate
Debate: The Church Would Have Been Better off Without the Reformation, Jesuit Priest Rev. Dr. Norris, Revelation TV, 4/16/2015
Rich Pierce, , Debate, Roman CatholicismThe Church would have been better off without the Reformation. Agree? Disagree? Click here for Part I Click here for Part II Speaking for the motion is Jesuit Priest Rev.Dr Norris and speaking against the motion is Dr James White. Rich
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