Please Note: This outline goes with our audio, “Son of God, Lord of Glory,” available on Sermon Audio

I. Introduction

A. Need for this study

1. Historic Importance of the Deity of Christ

2. Modern attacks

B. Bible based – no apologies

C. There is one God

1. Biblical view

2. Jesus not a “god-like” one – Is. 46:9, Psalm 77:13, 113:5

3. Definition of the Trinity

a. Not teaching modalism or Sabellianism

b. Not teaching polytheism

D. Method and outline

II. Jesus as God

A. John 1:1-3, 14, 18

1. Scripture quote

2. Translation 1:1-3

a. Background

b. Context

1) Immediate

2) Book-wide

c. Quotes

3. Interpretation

4. Interpretation of 1:14

5. Textual considerations 1:18 – John 6:46

6. Interpretation

B. John 20:28-29

1. Thomas’ confession

2. Jesus’ blessing

C. Acts 20:28

D. Romans 9:5

E. Hebrews 1:6-8

1. Context

2. OT Background

3. ho theos – vocative or nominative?

F. 1 John 5:20

G. Titus 2:13, 2 Peter 1:1, 2 Thessalonians 1:12

H. Isaiah 9:6

1. Messianic passage

2. Use of el gibbor

III. Jesus in Relation with the Father

A. Matthew 11:27 (Luke 10:22)

B. John 5:18-47; 19:7

1. Translation

2. Interpretation

C. John 10:30-38

1. Psalm 82:6

2. Jews don’t stone angels

3. The nature of “one”

4. Jesus’ argument

D. John 14:1-11

E. John 14:28

1. Context – setting

2. Meaning

F. John 17:10

G. Philippians 2:3-8

1. Context, 3-5

2. Possible Interpretations

H. Hebrews 1:1-3

1. Meaning of apaugasma (radiance)

2. character, hupostasis

I. Revelation 1:7-8, 17-18, 22:13

J. Proverbs 8:22

1. Meaning of qana (possessed me)

2. Various interpretations

IV. Jesus Working as, and Described as, God

A. Mark 2:5-7

B. Colossians 1:13-17

1. The extent of creation -ta panta

2. Creator, not creation (John 1:3)

C. Colossians 2:9-9

D. Revelation 5:13

E. Micah 5:2

1. Meaning of motzaah – “goings forth”

2. Meaning of olam as well as mikedem (Habakkuk 1:12)

V. Comparison Texts

A. Introduction and Importance

B. Matthew 1:21/Psalm 130:8, Isaiah 35:4 [God will save His people]

C. Matthew 3:12, Revelation 6:16, Psalm 2:12/Psalm 76:7 [Fear God]

D. Matthew 5:18/Mark 13:31 [God’s Word is eternal; Jesus’ Word is eternal]

E. Matthew 25:31-46/Psalm 50:6, 59:11, 96:13 [God is Judge, Jesus is Judge]

F. John 1:3/lsaiah 44:24 [Yahweh alone created all things]

G. John 1:7-9/lsaiah 60:9 [God is light]

H. John 7:37-38/Jeremiah 2:13 [Yahweh the fountain of living water]

I. John 10:11/Psalm 23:1, Psalm 100:3 [The Good Shepherd]

J. John 12:41/Isaiah 6:1 [The vision of Isaiah – Yahweh’s glory]

K. John 13:19/lsaiah 43:10 [I AM]

1. John 8:58

2. John 18:5-6

3. John 8:24

L. John 14:6/Psalm 31:5 [God is truth]

M. John 14:14/1 Corinthians 1:2 [Prayer to Jesus]

N. John 14:26 & 16:27/Romans 8:9, 1 Peter 1:11, Nehemiah 9:20, 2 Samuel 23:2-3 [Spirit of


O. John 17:5/lsaiah 48:11 [Will not give His glory to another]

P. Acts 1:8/Isaiah 43:10 [Witnesses of Whom?]

Q. Acts 4:24/2 Peter 2:1/Jude 4 [Who is our Master?]

R. Romans 10:13/Joel 2:32 [Call on the name of … I

S. Ephesians 4:8-9/Psaim 68:18 [God leads the captives…

T. Philippians 2:10-11/lsaiah 45:23 [Every knee will bow…

U. Colossians 1:16, Ephesians 5:25, 27/Romans 11:36 [All things are to God…]

V. Colossians 1:17/Acts 17:28 [We exist in God]

W. Colossians 2:3/1 Timothy 1:17 [Only wise God … treasure of wisdom]

X. 2 Timothy 1:12/Jeremiah 17:5 [Trust in Yahweh – believe in Jesus]

Y. Hebrews 1:3/1 Timothy 6:15 [Jesus’ power – God is only sovereign]

Z. Hebrews 1:10/Psalm 102:25 [Jesus is Yahweh]

AA. Hebrews 13:8/Malachi 3:6 [God changes not]

BB. James 2:1/Zechariah 2:5 [Lord of glory]

CC. 1 Peter 2:3/Psalm 34:8 [Taste that Yahweh is good]

DD. 1 Peter 3:15/lsaiah 8:13 [Sanctify Yahweh]

EE. Revelation 1:5-6/Exodus 34:14 [Glorify Jesus]

FF. Revelation 1:13-16/Ezekiel 43:2 [God’s voice is the voice of Jesus]

GG. Revelation 2:23/1 Kings 8:39 [Jesus searches the hearts]

HH. Revelation 3:7/Revelation 15:4 [God alone is holy]

VI. Topical Sections

A. The name of Jesus (Acts 4:17-18. 5:28, 40-41, 1 Corinthians 6:11, Philippians 2:10-11)

B. Jesus the Savior (Genesis 22:2)

C. The Worship of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:9, 17, John 9:9, Hebrews 1:6, Revelation 5)

D. The meaning of monogenes – “only begotten” or “unique”

E. Jesus the Eternal Creator

F. The Lord Jesus Christ – Paul’s periphrasis for Christ

G. The Yom Yahweh///Day of the Lord

H. The Trinitarian Formulai [1 Thess. 1:3-5, 2 Thess. 2:13, 1 Cor. 2:2-5, 6:11, 12:4-6, 2 Cor. 1:21- 22, 13:14, Rom. 8:26-27, 14:17-18, 15:16, Col. 1:6-8, Eph. 2:18, 3:16-17, 4:46, etc. and etc.]

VII. Indirect Evidences of Christ’s Deity

A. Christ’s Words Concerning Himself

1. Matthew 11:28-30

2. John 14:6

3. Luke 14:25-26 [hate father and mother – come to me]

4. Luke 7:36ff [parable of debtor]

5. John 6:37 [I will in no wise cast out…

6. John 16:14 [He [the Holy Spirit) will glorify me…

B. The Apostle’s Witness

1. 2 Corinthians 5:14-15

2. Philippians 1:21 [live for Christ]

VIII. Patristic Interpretation

A. Apostolic Fathers

1. Clement

2. Ignatius

3. Polycarp

4. Didache

5. Hermas

B. The Early Church Fathers

1. Irenaeus

2. Melito of Sardis

3. Athenagoras

4. Tertullian

5. Hyppolytus

6. Novatian

7. Origen

8. Gregory Thaumaturgus

C. Post-Nicene Fathers

1. Athanasius

2. John Chrysostom

3. Augustine

 This outline corresponds to cassette series #402.

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