Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Road Trip DL from St. Charles
James White, , Abortion, Christian Worldview, General Apologetics, Musings, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Road Trip, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersGot a program in from windy, and soon to be very cold, St. Charles Missouri, where I will be speaking on God’s response to the LGBTQ revolution this weekend, the 24th year I have spoken at Covenant of Grace Church. Talked a bit about “Reformedville” and happenings therein, eventually transitioning into the glorious truth of the sufficiency of Scripture from
Road Trip: The Heart of Church History, Apologia Church, South Jordon, Utah, 4/10/22
James White, , Road Trip
A Sorta Radio Free Geneva from the New Rig
James White, , Debate, Exegesis, Provisionism, Radio Free Geneva, Reformed Apologetics, Road Trip, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersI really had not expected to get into this as deeply as we did, and this should have been a Radio Free Geneva, but be that as it may…we looked at the new film against “Once Saved, Always Saved,” listened to the opening section, talked about the necessary background issues, and then looked at the film’s vain attempt to get
Road Trip: Iron Sharpens Iron Radio Pastor’s Luncheon, Loysville, Pennsylvania, 9/22/22
James White, , Road Trip
Road Trip: Loving Our Catholic Neighbors – Night 2, First Baptist Church, Livingston, Louisiana, 4/27/24
James White, , Road Trip
TMS and DMCA, Why I Don’t Worship “A Particular Relational Inflection”
James White, , Christian Worldview, Pastoral Theology, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Racialism, Reformed Baptist Issues, Road Trip, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, ThomismWe had a technical problem at the start but managed to get in a full hour on the road once again, this time from West Texas. Addressed the Master’s Seminary issue relating to their filing a DMCA against the man who did the work to demonstrate the problems with Peter Sammons’ use of sources in an online class. This is
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