Started off the program talking to Rudolph Boshoff down in Johannesburg via Skype. The connection was pretty iffy, and you have to listen carefully. But we discussed the state of the church in South Africa. I wanted to clarify a point where we had some audio problems…I was referring to one of the sound churches in SA, pastored by brother Tim Cantrell, Antioch Bible Church. I just couldn’t remember exactly where it was (comes from moving from location to location, especially in the dark!). I am scheduled to be back there to speak again this trip, so I look forward to that. We really, really need your help to make this trip, and the trip in December to Kiev and Glasgow, happen. We are not where we need to be, funds wise yet, so if you can help us to do these debates and lectures, please prayerfully consider doing so.

In the last half of the program I addressed the claim, by Steven Anderson, posted on YouTube, that I am attacking the accuracy of the Bible by noting the difference between Jeremiah 31:32 and Hebrews 8:9. By the way, I did check the critical apparatus for the Septuagint (both Rahlf’s and the Göttingen editions) and found no variants for ἠμέλησα. In any case, Anderson has misunderstood the issue, and what’s more, his KJV Onlyism leaves him with no way of meaningfully addressing one of the most challenging and difficult of Old Testament textual issues.


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