This is going to be a good year for readers of reformed works, especially as it relates to the Bible. I simply want to make you aware of three books that are coming out this year.

A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the Old Testament: The Gospel Promised, Edited by Miles V. Van Pelt. Due out May 31, 2016.
The Old Testament is not just a collection of disparate stories, each with its own meaning and moral lessons. Rather, it’s one cohesive story, tied together by the good news about Israel’s coming Messiah, promised from the beginning. Covering each book in the Old Testament, this volume invites readers to teach the Bible from a Reformed, covenantal, and redemptive-historical perspective. Featuring contributions from twelve respected evangelical scholars, this gospel-centered introduction to the Old Testament will help anyone who teaches or studies Scripture to better see the initial outworking of God’s plan to redeem the world through Jesus Christ.

A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the New Testament: The Gospel Realized, Edited by Michael J. Kruger. Due out May 31, 2016.
Introductions to the New Testament often take a defensive stance, focusing on historical-critical issues but failing to address the interests and needs of pastors and Bible teachers. However, with an emphasis on the theology, key themes, and overall message of each book in the New Testament, this collaborative effort of nine biblical scholars takes a more positive and pastorally relevant approach. Written from a distinctly Reformed, covenantal, and redemptive-historical perspective, this theologically rich, expositional resource will equip readers to study and teach each book in the New Testament with clarity and insight.

A Peculiar Glory: How the Christian Scriptures Reveal Their Complete Truthfulness, by John Piper. Due out March 31, 2016.
Through the centuries, Christians have declared the Bible to be the Word of God. But why? What foundation do Christians have for believing that the Bible contains the very words of the living God? In his first major book since Bloodlines, best-selling author and popular preacher John Piper makes the case for why it is not just reasonable but crucial that we view the Bible as absolutely perfect and totally reliable. Exploring what Scripture teaches about itself from Genesis to Revelation, its unique “self-authenticating” nature, and its unparalleled ability to showcase God’s peculiar glory, Piper lays a solid foundation for Christians’ unshakable confidence in the Bible.

Michael Kruger said that Piper’s book is “One of the Most Unique Books on the Authority of Scripture in Generations”

I’m looking forward to these publications. Thank you Crossway.


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