Thinking Through the Ugandan Controversy

What are We Conserving? What are we Debating?

Road Trip Dividing Line: It Wasn’t Broke, We Fixed It Anyway

Upcoming Trip, Then Story Time with Grampa Jimmy

A Dividing Line I Cannot Summarize!

Secularism’s Insanity, then Credo’s Promotion of Scholasticism

Twitch Bows to Trans-Madness Mid Program

Maintaining Sanity in Today’s Insane World

Responding to Rome Including a Review of Indulgentiarum Doctrina

A Multi-Faceted Dividing Line

Jeff Durbin’s Pink Tie, Trent Horn and the Word of God

First Road Trip DL in NEW Mobile Command Unit!

What the Celebration of Perversity Tells Us, Then, Trent Horn and the Trajectory of Rome

Road Trip Dividing Line: Gay Mirage, Mass, Biblicism

Road Trip DL: Ministry Report, Dr. Young and a Debate, Response to Various Topics

Travel Project Announcement, “What is Marriage?” Debate Review

Road Trip Dividing Line: New Plans, Greear on the Church’s Failure, Fesko against Van Til, Preview of Radio Free Geneva

Views on Homosexuality, Interaction with Lindsay on Gnosticism

Ratzinger’s Posthumous Truth Bombs, FBC Orlando, Andy Stanley

Why You Can’t Have a Gas Stove, Then Mormonism 101—Part 1

Profaning Marriage, More on Joe’s Cookies, End of Year Giving

36 Republicans Vote with All Democrats to Join Senate in Telling God We Hate Him and His Ways

America Tells God to Get Lost/Divine Revelation Cannot be Limited by Men’s Philosophical Systems

Some Insights for Home Schoolers and Whether Calvin Produced Anti-Trinitarians

Denigrating Marriage, Worldview, Converting to Rome, Compromising Sola Scriptura

Mormonism’s Capitulation, Open Phones with Great Calls

Australian Birth Crash, Gospel Names, Exegesis and Theology

John 3:13, Turretin, Pop Thomists

Road Trip Dividing Line from Ohio

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