The ECM volumes of Mark arrived ten minutes before the program started, so that sort of distracted me, so I spent some time talking textual issues, CBGM, etc., before moving to the Mormons and their fear of Covid. Talked a bit about the overwhelming flood of negative information and how we need to protect our joy from the corrosive influence of today’s context. Then we finished up Gregory’s confession from 265.
Tags: 00:00 The ECM Has Arrived 21:00 Unitarians on Twitter 26:30 What is going on with the Mormons? 42:30 Struggling with Cultural Insanity 58:00 The Global Loss of Liberty 60:00 More About Gregory of NyssaThe Dividing Line 8/31/2021
— Alpha and Omega Ministries (@AominOrg) February 18, 2024
ECM of Mark, Mormons Hide in Basements, Gregory on the Spirit