Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Debate: Are Temples Consistent with the New Testament? Richard Hopkins, Salt Lake City, Utah, 4/2/2004
James White, , Debate, Mormonism, The Dividing LineJames White debates Richard Hopkins on the history and biblical nature of constructing and need for Temples in the New Testament. Given the LDS emphasis on temple work this is a very important subject for reaching LDS people.
Enns, Mouw, and the Foundation of Scripture
James White, , Christian Worldview, General Apologetics, Homosexuality, Islam, Mormonism, The Dividing LineCovered a wide range of themes but tried, anyway, to connect them together. Will let you judge if I succeeded! Discussed a little bit of Peter Enns’ new book, noted Dr. Mouw’s continued white-washing of Mormonism, etc. Toward the end started looking at some Muslim issues as well. Here is the YouTube link:
Mormonism and the LGBTQ Movement, China’s Totalitarianism, Polight’s Confusion, Open Phones UPDATED
James White, , Exegesis, General Apologetics, Hebrew Israelism, Mormonism, Pastoral Theology, Pauline Studies, Persecution, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersThe copyright challenge by @vladtv has been lifted. This program is now available for viewing. Talked a bit about the odd interaction Mormonism is having with the LGBTQ movement, and then covered some of the crack-down on religions (both Christianity and Islam) in China. Then I played a few minutes from a fellow named “Polight” wherein he gets all confused
FARMS on Irenaeus
James White, , MormonismQuite some time ago we corrected the constant, errant, repeated misuse of Irenaeus by LDS apologists, and in particular, the usage by Daniel C. Peterson and Stephen D. Ricks in one of the few specifically counter-evangelical apologetic books out there, Offenders for a Word. We had posted this information quite some time ago: In my book Is the Mormon My
More LDS Role Playing with Callers and Debate Announcement
James White, , Mormonism, The Dividing LineDr. White gave his callers one more opportunity to practice sharing the gospel with his LDS alter ego Elder Hahn, covering the nature of God and reliability of their respective Scriptures. Since the brave caller was an ex Mormon, Dr. White asked him how he ended up Christian instead of completely unbelieving. Dr. White also announced an upcoming debate with
Does the LDS Church Teach Lucifer is a Spirit Offspring of Elohim, and Hence the Spirit-Brother of Jesus?
James White, , MormonismI am listening to the Today Show with Matt Lauer. He is interviewing Mitt Romney, and Romney has just claimed that the LDS Church has “clarified” a question raised by Huckabee. Evidently Huckabee asked something along the lines of, “Don’t Mormons believe the Devil and Jesus are brothers?” NBC then indicated that LDS leaders had “denied” this assertion. I have
Why You Can’t Have a Gas Stove, Then Mormonism 101—Part 1
James White, , Christian Worldview, Homosexuality, Mormonism, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, The Dividing LineFirst half hour is on how the Regime’s attempt to get rid of gas ovens is, in reality, connected to everything else, including the insanity of thinking four year olds can “choose” their gender. Then we moved into Mormonism and, I will be honest, I just could not stop telling stories from all our thousands of hours of encounters with
How to Show Love for Mormons
James White, , MormonismDr. Albert Mohler, President of The Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, spoke to the faculty of Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah this morning. Here is a transcript of his presentation. Below I provide a few quotes that warmed my heart in light of the years and years of trips to Salt Lake City and ministry there during the General
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Recent Posts
- Road Trippin’ Again in Texas: Election Stuff, Precious Moments at the Vatican, David Allen, Debate Report, AND the Response to Joel Webbon
- Road Trip #3: The Sad Situation with Steven Anderson, then, Ammon Hillman Reveals His True Intentions
- One More Time on the Decree and Time, then, the Wild World of Ammon Hillman
- Road Trip DL: Even-Ezers, Long-term Thinking, True Christian Examples of Heroism and Faith
- Memorizing Scripture and Various Other Topics