Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Sandra Tanner on the Bible Answer Man (Updated)
Jeff Downs, , MormonismLast month James informed us that Sandra Tanner was scheduled to be on the Bible Answer Man. Her appearance was reschedule for this week and Sandra was on BAM Tuesday (10/16) and Wednesday (10/17). Click here to listen in.
Orthodoxy, Justification, James 2, Dale Tuggy, and Jordan Hall Rebukes Rodney Howard-Browne
James White, , Christian Worldview, Eastern Orthodoxy, General Apologetics, Mormonism, Reformed Apologetics, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersJumbo (90 minute) edition of the program today starting off with a discussion of Hank Hanegraaff’s video in response to John MacArthur leading to a lengthy (though somewhat concise) exegesis of James 2:14-24. After this I briefly addressed Dr. Dale Tuggy’s challenge to debate the Trinity. Finally I spent the rest of the program discussing Jordan Hall’s interruption of a
Joseph Smith’s Misconception of Grace and Dr. White’s Strategy for Upcoming Debate
James White, , Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, The Dividing LineThe silly accusation from Dr. Chambers that Dr. White is secretly working for the pope needs no response. In Dr. White’s upcoming debate on Free Agency with Richard Hopkins, he will need to efficiently describe the biblical doctrine of both God and man, and will simply point out that Joseph Smith’s theology is not biblical because he needed to alter
Mormonism and Heaven
Jeff Downs, , MormonismI finally get to post something. Well, nothing of real substance (i.e. the particular post that is). You will forgive me as I am currently in seminary, and since I started I’ve had no real breaks (summer included). And so at this point, this is the best I can do. For those interested in Mormonism, you may want to listen
2 John 11 Abused by Imbalanced Calvinists, the Death of LDS President Monson, Further Response to Ijaz Ahmad
James White, , Christian Worldview, Exegesis, General Apologetics, Islam, Mormonism, Pastoral Theology, Reformed Apologetics, Reformed Baptist Issues, Textual Issues, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersStarted off looking carefully at the text of 2 John 7-11 once again, this time as it has been abused by ostensibly Reformed folks. Then we looked at some of the shenanigans of the “only Calvinists are saved” brigade on line. Moved eventually to the death of LDS President Monson and the continued need to pray for God to pour
Mormonism 101: Third Level Statements (#3)
James White, , MormonismMen are Gods in Embryo At times LDS representatives have complained that Christian writers use terminology of Mormonism that Mormons would never use themselves. Sometimes there is truth to this complaint, but in the case of the Mormon doctrine of God, one will find some of the strongest terms being used in LDS literature itself. It might seem to some
Rich Saves France; Injustice in America; Eastern Orthodoxy’s Anthropology; Two Responses to Dan McClellan
James White, , CBGM, Christian Worldview, Eastern Orthodoxy, Homosexuality, Mormonism, Textual Issues, The Dividing LineWent more than 90 minutes today, mainly looking at first at the amazing corruption of the justice system in America and how it flows from the rejection of our Christian heritage and the embracing of secularism. Then we played a 60 second video from an Eastern Orthodox priest denying penal, substitutionary atonement. Then we finished up our response to Dan
What is Your Authority?
James White, , MormonismThe following was first published around 1991 in tract form. An examination of the Mormon Priesthoods in the light of God’s Word, the Bible. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints claims to be the only true church on earth today.1 They also claim to hold the only true priesthood authority.2 Supposedly the Aaronic priesthood was conferred on Joseph Smith
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