You know, there are advantages to knowing important people. Take Mylo Hatzenbuhler, for example. Now, being that he is “the original Rock and Roll Farmboy,” he can’t hang with little people like me all the time. But, once in a while, I hear from him between his many gigs in North Dakota. He’s even called the Dividing Line! And then, a little while ago, I got a package in the mail. Mylo sent me some signed publicity photos! Now that’s a sign of just how big a star he is. Big as in famous, of course. And he has a big heart. You understand.
So if you are looking for the best agrarian-inspired parodies available (and who isn’t?), you should stop by Mylo’s place and take a listen to his sample tracks, then order up his CD’s or download the mp3s. And don’t forget to look up his business manager, too. He’s a nice guy, salt of the earth, that kind of thing.
Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.