Thanks to I recently located a discussion recorded on October 16, 2005, at the Omaha Bible Church featuring Dr. James White discussing evangelizing Roman Catholics (here’s a link to the mp3 – about 1 hour). This is one of several presentations that was given that weekend. The rest are provided below:

  • Justification by Faith Alone (link to mp3 – about 50 minutes)
  • The Biblical Truth of the Trinity (link to mp3 – about 44 minutes)
  • Earnestly Contending for the Faith Against Antinomianism (link to mp3 – about 1 hour, 11 minutes)
  • Earnestly Contending for the Faith Against Legalism (link to mp3 – about 1 hour, 18 minutes)
  • Earnestly Contending for the Faith Against Relativism (link to mp3 – about 38 minutes)

Also, while we are identify recordings Dr. White made at Omaha Bible Church, there were a couple of recordings from January 2003 as well:

  • The Heart of the Gospel (Part 1) (link to mp3 – about 1 hour)
  • The Heart of the Gospel (Part 2) (link to mp3 – about 19 minutes)

Bonus: From about the time the 2005 conference ended, an interview of Dr. James White (link to to mp3 – about 50 minutes).



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