The flood of Passion discussion is overwhelming. You can’t even keep up with it anymore. I’m glad I got started on it months ago. 🙂 Please note the article posted below; for Reformed Baptists you may wish to listen to Pastor A.N. Martin’s sermon from Trinity Baptist on this topic as well. There is stuff coming out now that is hard to believe, especially about the comments being made by Jim Caviezel, the actor who portrays Christ, that Mary “made” the film for Jesus. It is hard to even confirm the sources, so massive is the “buzz.” Many of you have seen Andy Webb’s article on why he will not see the film. Kevin Johnson has responded to it with one of the most pro-Roman Catholic, confused, and simply depressing replies I have seen thus far. I will be responding to it tomorrow on the DL. Please note: The Dividing Line will begin at 4:30PM MST tomorrow and will go for 90 minutes. Please note this!
Also, please note two more things: 1) There’s a new Angel cartoon down below, one which illustrates tremendously the fact that Angel listens carefully to debates. I really appreciate that. 2) Please pray for the folks at Grace Reformed Baptist Church, the home of Calvary Press. Their offices, and many books, were destroyed by fire a week ago Sunday, and that includes The Potter’s Freedom. We are having to take The Potter’s Freedom into “back-ordered” status until Calvary Press can recover from this malicious damage and get the book back into availability.