Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
And Hello to You, Envoy Forum!
Colin Smith, , Roman CatholicismI was informed today that my appearance on this blog has not gone unnoticed by our friends on the Envoy forum. Don’t worry, I know it’s not about me; it’s about Dr. White, of course. You see, because I happen to agree with Dr. White, and even chose to study for a Master of Theology degree (note that, not a
Debate: Did Mary Have Other Children? Gerry Matatics, Salt Lake City, Utah, 10/4/2003
James White, , Debate, The Dividing LineJames White and Gerry Matatics debate the question ‘Did Mary Have Other Children?’ on October 4, 2003 at the University of Utah. The fireworks start right off as James pre-emptorily refutes arguments often used by Mr. Matatics, leaving him with little to do other than challenging James to take some bizarre angelic oath of honesty.
Radio Free Geneva
James White, , Church History, Debate, Radio Free Geneva, Textual Issues, Theology MattersToday we started responding to Leighton Flowers’ attempt to respond to our basic discussion of one simple truth and reality: the Provisionist view of man’s will and God’s grace is completely in line with the Roman Catholic view at the time of the Reformation; that is, Flowers stands firmly with Erasmus against Luther on this topic. This is all about
Debate: Has the Church Age Ended? Harold Camping, Long Island, New York, 7/28/2009
James White, , Debate, General ApologeticsWe wanted to get this up as soon as possible. We had major problems at first, but we got everything set up and still got a full hour or more in of meaningful exchange. As I expected, the focus was the proper one: Harold Camping’s incoherent hermeneutical methodology. I am looking forward to tomorrow’s exchange! Click here to listen to
Debate: Justification by Faith? Robert Sungenis, Long Island, New York, 5/25/2000
James White, , Debate, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing LineIs the Roman Catholic Church correct when she says that we can merit justification? Was the Council of Trent right after all? Can we lose our justification? Or is the Protestant Reformation correct in saying that a man is justified by faith alone, apart from works? Is Christ’s imputed righteousness enough to allow us to stand before a Holy God,
When You Don’t Understand, Just Bludgeon
James White, , Roman CatholicismA few weeks ago there was a small chance that maybe, maybe TGE would truly get away from the net long enough to maybe regain a little balance and some perspective. Sadly, that did not end up happening, and lo and behold, “He’s baaaack.” You will note the title of the blog article below: “Theocentric vs. Anthropocentric Religion Illustrated.” It
Live On Air Debate With Roman Catholic Scott Windsor on Bible Interpretation
James White, , Roman Catholicism, The Dividing LineDr. White has been dialoguing with Scott Windsor for 15 years already, and their interactions inspired Dr. White’s first two books, on Roman Catholicism. Today they discuss the Reformed view of the sovereignty of God in John 6 compared to the Catholic view of Transubstantiation. The talk makes clear which side has their views derived from Scripture, and which side is rooted
Sungenis on Keating on Matatics on Wheat with Mayo and Lots of Onions….
James White, , Reformed Apologetics, Roman CatholicismNo need to comment on this one. Just read it and try not to drool.
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