Here is Dr. White’s schedule in Johannesburg, South Africa. This schedule is subject to change!
Friday, October 3
Debate: Jesus or St. Paul – Who is the true founder of Christianity?
James White debates Bashir Varnia
Shan Nun Islam Hall
Lenasia 1821, South Africa
Argon Crescent & Goud Crescent, opposite Rosepark
7:00 PM
Saturday, October 4
Biblical Worldview Conference
Topic: Why we can trust our New Testament
James White
with Tim Cantrel
Sandton Bible Church
15 Leslie Ave. Sandton, 2191
Douglasdale, SA
8:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Sunday, October 5
Session: Roman Catholicism
Knights Preparatory School
Corner of Nerina Street and Alexander Street
8:00 AM
25 5th Street
Corner of 5th and 7th
Melville, Johannesburg
7:00 PM
Tuesday, October 7th
Debate: Reading Each Other’s Scriptures: A Christian/Muslim Debate.
Christology in John’s Gospel & the Qur’anic position on the Bible
James White debates Yusuf Ismail
Juma Masjid Masque
corner Denis Hurley (old Grey) Street and Dr. Yusuf Dadoo (old Queen) Street
Durban, 4001, South Africa
6:30 PM
Wednesday, October 8th
Debate: Crucifixion & Resurrection: Fact or Fiction
James White debates Ayoob Karim
5 Crocus Rd
Asherville, Kwazulu Natal, 4091, South Africa