We will be doing one DL this week, tomorrow, Wednesday, at 11am MST (6pm for me here in London!). We will be really pushing the envelope this time: Rich has installed the new webcasting unit, and I will be doing the program via Skype. Hence, we have maximized the possibilities of utter failure! But, we will press forward anyway!

I may well look at a very lengthy, confused article that was just posted by Brian Brodersen, one of the leading figures in the Calvary Chapel movement. I had written to pastor Brodersen a while back, letting him know of my posted response to his comments. I never heard back from him, though, I guess that is what this article amounts to. Sadly, it shows the same kind of confusion on the part of the very leaders of Calvary Chapel that we have discussed before. You can find the article here. Note just one of the rather glaring problems: Brodersen confuses “synergist” (which is the term I used: Brodersen and his fellows are synergists, as opposed to monergists) with “syncretist,” and then takes me to task on the basis of his unfamiliarity with these basic theological terms. There would be much value in examining this attempted response.

But, of course, I would like to report on the past five days of ministry here in London as well, so, join us at Wednesday at 11am MST for the Dividing Line!

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