Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
William Lane Craig Comments
James White, , UncategorizedPacking up to head back to Phoenix (via Frankfurt and Chicago) and ran across some recent William Lane Craig comments that truly amazed me. Right before identifying Jimmy Dunn as one of his favorite NT historians (that alone says a lot—Dunn’s work is simply acidic to believing Christianity, and is based upon a thoroughly non-Christian mindset when it comes to
A Peculiar Glory (new Piper book)
Jeff Downs, , UncategorizedIt’s here, John Piper’s new book A Peculiar Glory: How the Christian Scriptures Reveal Their Complete Truthfulness. Read a sample by clicking here. But purchase the book by CLICKING HERE. TOC: PART 1 A Place to Stand “. . . the Lord revealed himself by the word of the Lord” 1 My Story: Held by the Bible . . .
Monday Miscellaneous
James White, , UncategorizedWell, we got back into the Holiness Code series at PRBC yesterday. The morning sermon was preparatory to the evening. I wanted to lay a foundation for the specific laws given in Leviticus 18:6-23, and I also wanted to give folks a warning about the subject matter of the next section we were going to hit. Of course, these verses
The Flow of the Psalms
Jeff Downs, , UncategorizedFor those interested, O. Palmer Robertson presented (for the first time) this morning at Greenville Seminary some material on the Psalms. I’ll apologize now, but part 1 was not recorded (my fault). Robertson, at the beginning of the second lecture, did restate the main points of the first lecture. Click here to listen to The Flow of the Psalms, Pt.
Dates, Doctrines & Dead People – Lessons from the Early History of the Church
Micah Burke, , UncategorizedPlease join Flatirons Baptist Church as they learn about the rich heritage of Church History. This is a vitally important aspect of our amazing faith for which many of today’s Christians know very little. Join Dr. James White as he brings helpful insights into this great topic. September 11, 12 – 6:30PM September 14, 9:30AM & 10:30AM Flatirons Baptist Church
Teaching: Apologetics and Post Modernism, Melbourne, Australia, 10/23/2019
James White, , Uncategorized
The Judge of All the Earth Will Do Right
James White, , UncategorizedNews began filtering through the net this evening. It is amazing how connected we are today, even when we don’t want to be. Via Twitter and other sources, the deeply sad story of the suicide of Braxton Caner, Ergun Caner’s oldest son, began to make the rounds. His friends at school began a hashtag on Twitter, for example. No one
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