Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Poor Jared…Yes, Back to the Response
James White, , Baptism, Debate, Exegesis, Federal Vision, Reformed Baptist Issues, Road Trip, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersJust a few brief comments on Catholicism at the start, then back to Hebrews and Jared’s article. We are, at least, getting into the nitty gritty of what the real issues are, so, I hope that is helpful. Tomorrow is a travel day for me, so I won’t be able to do another program until I am headed home next
Debate: Is Jesus God? Ayoob Karim, Durban, South Africa, 10/14/2015
James White, , Debate
Lots of Topics to Finish the Week!
James White, , Abortion, Christian Worldview, Church History, Debate, General Apologetics, Homosexuality, Offense, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Racialism, Reformed Baptist Issues, Textual Issues, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, TROnlyismZoomed through a ton of stuff on Covid-19, attacks on religious liberty, the big tech censorship at the start of the program. Reviewed Michael F. Bird’s article, then worked through Dr. Edmondson’s CT article as well, and finished up with a full refutation of Chris Thomas’ false accusation that I reject the first section of the LBCF. An hour and
Debate: Justification by Faith, Dr. Robert Fastigi, St. Edward University, Austin, Texas, 7/15/1994
James White, , Debate
Jeff Durbin’s Pink Tie, Trent Horn and the Word of God
James White, , Debate, Homosexuality, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Reformed Apologetics, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing LineHad some enjoyable banter in response to Jeff Durbin’s live Facebook video from yesterday, and then we moved into considering some of the comments made by Trent Horn after his debate with Gavin Ortlund on sola scriptura. Some very interesting and important directions are being mapped out that are relevant for everyone interested not only in Roman Catholic apologetics, but
Tons of Important Material Today!
James White, , Christian Worldview, Church Fathers, Church History, Debate, Eastern Orthodoxy, Homosexuality, Reformed Apologetics, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing LineCovered a ton of important stuff today, including the work of the Ministry of Truth in editing and changing history, the jihad of the homosexuals in Cornwall, and a judge saying Grace Community, which has been meeting for weeks in worship, can’t. Then we moved to Jerry Walls’ “best argument against Catholicism,” and then finished up with a lengthy introductory
Debate: Bible or the Quran? Adnan Rashid, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 2/26/2013
James White, , Debate, IslamJust in from the debate at University College, Dublin. Enjoyed my encounter with Adnan Rashid, though it didn’t go quite as long as I had hoped. In any case, met some great believers, and had some good conversations with our Muslim friends, too. The Christian students hosted a reception afterward. Adnan was surrounded and in some intense conversations, while I
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