Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
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Post Debate Sermons at PRBC
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Radio Free Geneva (Part 2): Scriptural Considerations in Response to Justin Brierley
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A Christmas Textual Variant :-)
James White, , ExegesisFirst, a blessed Christmas to you all. For those rejoicing, may you do so to His glory. For those of you bearing burdens at this time of year, especially those who have lost a loved one in the past year, may you find God to be your consolation and comfort in all things. Just one entry today (and yes, I
The Sudden Clarity of Black Racism (Louis Farrakhan), Then a Response to Jonathan McLatchie on the Noetic Effect of Sin
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Conclusion to the Sola Scriptura Series: Apostolic Tradition and Canon Issues
James White, , Christian Worldview, Exegesis, Reformed Apologetics, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing LineI managed to resist the temptation to do the “politics talk” and finished up the introduction to sola scriptura today in a 90 minute program focusing upon the final sections of Karlo Broussard’s arguments on Catholic Answers Live, and then discussing two more important aspects, “Apostolic Tradition” in the early fathers as well as the issue of the canon. Not easy material
Radio Free Geneva: Pastor Ronnie Rogers at Truett-McConnell College
James White, , Exegesis, Reformed Apologetics, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersDecided to do a Radio Free Geneva today and review a chapel sermon delivered by Pastor Ronnie W. Rogers at Truett-McConnell College just recently. A fair amount of discussion of God’s freedom, man’s nature, the nature of divine knowledge, etc. Enjoy! Here is the YouTube link:
Monday Miscellaneous
James White, , Blog Stuff, Exegesis, Misc, Pastoral Theology, Resources, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersTackled a tough, challenging section of Hebrews at PRBC on Sunday. NOTE TO ALL ANTI-LORDSHIP, CHEAP-GRACE, NON-REPENTANCE FOLKS: Please note both sermons, but especially the evening sermon. I really tried to give you all the evidence you could possibly need that I am firmly, unalterably OPPOSED to your position and identify it as a fundamental denial of the Gospel. I
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