Spent the first 45 minutes on an interview Dr. Michael Licona did recently, discussing the centrality of theology to apologetic methodology. Then briefly discussed a recent statement by the Pope.
Here is the YouTube link:
Spent the first 45 minutes on an interview Dr. Michael Licona did recently, discussing the centrality of theology to apologetic methodology. Then briefly discussed a recent statement by the Pope.
Here is the YouTube link:
Responding to some “writers” just goes against sound wisdom and judgment. There are some who are simply so ill-behaved, so nasty of temperament, that to respond to them is tantamount to poking a rabid dog with a stick: don’t be surprised when you get a consistent response of growling and slobber. And so it is against my better judgment to
Here is a play list of the five videos containing the video shot from my tiny (but high performing!) Casio Exilim camera. These are the only recordings that exist as far as I know. I did not include the audience questions because…they were audience questions (i.e., not really questions, but statements disguised as questions). I had a good mp3 recorder
Spent the first half of the program looking at the centrality of thanksgiving as a Christian virtue, attitude, and action, and then looked briefly at a recent convert story, and then a tweet on the perpetual virginity of Mary that led to a whole discussion of how traditions develop and why we must be able to examine them by Scripture.
Apostasy abounds in Western culture today. Much of the confusion as to what the Christian faith teaches is due to apostates who refuse to leave the church but instead corrupt it from within. But there are many apostates who have completely abandoned the faith; some simply disappear and go back to their worldly ways. Look at the huge baptism numbers
Looked at some claims about Aquinas by Norm Geisler, including a quick look at John 13:19, and then started to respond to the second in the series from Baptist Dogmatics regarding Matthew 24:36. What is “theological” or “dogmatic” exegesis? Well, we will find out more as we continue our review and response. But not tomorrow, though we plan on doing
The following argumentation appears in Patrick Madrid’s Does the Bible Really Say That? under the topic of…infant baptism. Some argue that the command to repent in Acts 2 means that repentance, something only someone above the age of reason can do (i.e., not an infant), is a prerequisite for baptism. Since infants lack the capacity to repent, they argue, infants
I mentioned yesterday my suggestion to Tim Staples that we do a similar type of fair debate and exchange on Catholic Answers Live. I said then that I would expect many in the CA audience would love to hear the “largest Catholic apologetics organization in the United States” actually doing direct, one-on-one apologetics with leading critics of their position. I
Hey, I didn’t know I had been treated with such kindness and “charity” (the new buzzword I guess for being politically correct in bowing the knee to claims of Roman supremacy) by Mr. Bradley in the recent past. Here’s another example of his insightful commentary: Pot complains loudly about the dark coloring of the kettle. I enjoy reading uber-Calvinist James
Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Alpha and Omega Ministries
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James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. He is the author of more than twenty books, a professor and an accomplished debater.
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